Ms. Ava Durga

Crossdresser Confidante and Sissy Life Coach

The Silence of the Diva

Darlings, please understand something… I don’t make regular blog and social media posts. That doesn’t mean I’m idle or not taking appointments.

I try to mindfully savor my life and work, immersing myself in the  moment. My thoughts and energy rarely turn toward documenting my experiences and thoughts for the  masses. Once the moment has passed and I’ve relished its juicy goodness, I’m off to the next thing.

Writing posts of real value takes time, thought, and effort.  I find myself drawn instead to spending that time with other human beings, or in quiet reverie, or playing, or learning, or planning, or—best yet—immersed in a new experience or adventure.

Is such lack of consistent posting bad for business? Conventional Wisdom says so—but I’ve found CV  to be an untrustworthy advisor on many topics, and thus far this hasn’t been the case. Good clients seem to find me, without churning out constant SEO-focused fodder. Is it self-indulgent, or even selfish? Perhaps. I do have things of value to share. But I find myself  more driven to maximize that time by relishing life and bringing personal value to my clients, associates, friends, and partner.

Writing posts of real value takes time, thought, and effort.  I find myself drawn instead to spending that time with clients and other human beings, or in quiet reverie, or playing, or learning, or planning, or—best yet—immersed in a new experience or adventure. 

Sometimes I am inspired to post. When I feel like it. When I have something to say. Sometimes even in flurries. But not on a schedule.

So even if I seem to quiet online, know that I’m still here, focusing on real life and real time. Maybe you should be, too. Schedule an appointment with me and create a new life-enriching experience of your own.

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  • The Panty Lines blog provides resources, inspiration, and support for recreational crossdressers, sissies, MTF gender explorers, and those who admire them. Guest post submissions are welcome. Contact Ava Durga for information.

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